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Protocols and Factors to Consider for Achieving Success in Implant Treatments

Dr. Paco Acedo

With a degree in odontology from the Alfonso X El Sabio University, a Master’s in Oral Surgery and Implantology from the UCSC, University Expert certification in Surgery from the University of Seville, University Expert certification in Implantology and Advanced Surgery from the University of Havana (UH).
He is currently the director of his own dental clinic in Seville, Clínica Dr. Acedo, and he is a speaker for Avinent surgery courses.

We interviewed Dr. Paco Acedo to get his opinion on the protocols and factors that, according to his experience, are necessary to consider to achieve success in implant treatments. A Q&A interview shared with the Doctor.

Are dental implants currently an effective and safe solution to replace missing teeth? What is their success rate?

Today, without any doubt, the implant is the differential element for replacing missing teeth; over 20 years of experience confirms this.

With implants, we can replace teeth without damaging adjacent teeth as was done years ago.

Moreover, the techniques we use, combined with various studies, help us ensure a very high success rate in placement, well above ninety-five percent, even in adverse patient conditions.

What factors should be considered when planning an implant to achieve good predictability?

The personalized study of each case is fundamental in implant surgery. The use of radiodiagnostic elements helps us to virtually perform the surgery in many cases, increasing the predictability of outcomes.

We base our assessments not only on the amount of bone but also on its quality.

Patient conditions, such as habits, medication, and oral hygiene, are also evaluated when placing the implant and assessing its long-term survival.

What characteristics do you value in a dental implant?

For me, primary stability is a crucial factor when choosing an implant for placement. Implants like the Ocean Implant, which can generate high stability even in very porous bone, are perfect for the surgeon.

Of course, we know that patients fear surgery but value having their teeth; therefore, another determining factor is the ability to provide versatility in prosthetic solutions.

Ocean Implant from Avinent Implant System

Do you work with digital protocols in your clinic? What could you highlight about this working system?

Technology has long since entered dental practices forcefully. Speed, error reduction, and treatment predictability go hand in hand with it, and we all must provide our patients with the best solutions, which now involve using digital protocols.

Is guided surgery a good tool? In what cases do you use it?

I frequently use guided surgery. It helps me solve complex cases, whether due to implant placement or prosthetic difficulty, allowing me to go from A to Z.
That is, from planning to prosthetic placement, to showing and explaining it to the patient as accurately as possible.

Guided surgery is undoubtedly the most effective and predictable way of working for implants, as well as reducing work times and patient morbidity.

What benefits does working with Avinent provide you?

Working with companies that master all aspects of your work makes you feel more at ease. Knowing that the result will be a success, both because of the quality of the products and the human team behind them, allows you to enjoy your work much more and dedicate all your potential to the patient.

What should be considered, and how should the maintenance of an implant treatment be planned?

I believe this is our great challenge in the coming years. Professionals and companies in the sector must work together to make treatments as durable as possible, applying cleaning and implant maintenance techniques, as well as teaching the patient how to do it.

Hygiene and bad habits must be controlled by the patient, along with constant reviews and maintenance by the professional.

We must reach the patient to explain that teeth and implants need care.

Implantology, within dentistry, is a field we regularly handle in our practices and has changed the way we work in a short period of time.

Thanks to companies like Avinent Group for the support they provide to professionals and for the assistance with all the needs that arise in our daily work. We also invite them to continue in the line of research and innovation so that we can all continue to improve together.