Biomimetic Iceberg has become the ally of many dentists. Find out some of their opinions

We interviewed Dr. Belliard and Dr. Botero to get their opinion about the Biomimetic Iceberg implant.

The launch of the Biomimetic Iceberg implant has been well received by dentists, as this very versatile implant increases the range of surgical solutions to suit all clinical situations.

We spoke to Dr. Enrique Botero Porras (Zaragoza) and Dr. Freddy Belliard Tiol (Guadalajara) to find out their opinions and their experience with the Iceberg implant by Avinent. Biomimetic Iceberg.

The Doctor Enrique Botero is Odontologist and has a master degree in Dental Rehabilitation and Implantology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, in addition to other specialised training.
The Doctor Freddy Belliard is Odontologist from the Universidad Europea de Madrid and specialises in Endodontics.

In which cases do you usually use the Biomimetic Iceberg?

Dr. Botero indicated that he has adapted the Biomimetic Iceberg in most of his clinical cases. Dr. Belliard also confirms this position and suggests that the main benefit of this implant lies in the aesthetic areas with fine biotypes, provided there is sufficient soft tissue height.
The Biomimetic Iceberg Implant is ideal for maintaining healthy tissue and excellent aesthetic results thanks to its transmucosal collar with a converging profile that increases the formation of soft tissue around the implant. Also, its anodised finish enables good camouflage with the tissues.

Can the geometry of an implant affect the results of a case?

Dr. Botero considers that in the same way that a tooth’s geometry can affect the behavior of the surrounding periodontium, this could also be extrapolated to dental implants, as shown in many scientific studies.
Dr. Belliard added that, if the desired success is not achieved, one of the causal factors could be that the clinician did not select an implant with the correct geometry.

Tell us about one of your most notable cases you have resolvedusing this implant.

The anodised neck was a great help for the aesthetic work. I avoided another, more invasive, surgical procedure for the patient.

Dr. Belliard

One of Dr. Belliard’s most memorable cases was with a lateral incisor, 22, with enough soft tissue but with a fine biotype. “The anodised neck was a great help for the aesthetic work. I avoided another, more invasive, surgical procedure for the patient”, stated the dentist.
One of the most outstanding characteristics of the Iceberg implant is the design and geometry of the neck, with no angles or sharp edges, that allow tissue growth and achieve the adjustment profile established by the prosthetic technician, in addition to continuity between the implant and the abutment.

Dr. Botero however tells us that his most striking cases have been complete upper and lower restorations with fixed prostheses and Biomimetic Iceberg implants, in addition to upper and lower implant-supported overdentures.

Another characteristic of the Biomimetic Iceberg implant is its micro-thread that helps transmit and minimise the tensions arising in the bone-implant assembly at the level of the cortical bone. Similarly, its tapered morphology and asymmetric thread provide primary stability adapting to the different areas of the bone.

What do you most value as an Avinent user?

You are a dynamic company, which quickly adapts to the clinician and the market.

Dr. Belliard

Dr. Belliard highlights the professionalism and proximity of the Avinent team, and says: “You are a dynamic company, which quickly adapts to the clinician and the market. In addition, the options you have in digitization are notable”.  Dr. Botero also values Avinent for the assistance, the service and the constant commitment to research and innovation.

In addition, it is important to note the quality of the implants in the Avinent Implant System, characterized by their innovative BAS (Biomimetic Advanced Surface), which gives them a topography that facilitates bone cell migration and osteogenesis, accelerating osseointegration.

Without doubt, the Biomimetic Iceberg implant is a wide-reaching solution that, together with a proprietary prosthetics system, facilitates soft-tissue manipulation and improves the biomechanical distribution of the prosthetic load. In short, it has become a great ally for resolving even the most complex cases in implantology.

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